If you’re a fan of science fiction, then you probably already know that resistance is futile. So, now that we have that settled… What’s Your Science Fiction IQ? Take this quiz to find out!
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Question 1/11

An alien ladies' man beyond compare, can you name this hero of the USS Enterprise?
- Spock
- Captain Kirk
- Captain Picard
- Mork
Question 2/11

This famous "X-Files" FBI agent still wants to believe, and is scheduled to return to the small screen in 2016...
- Sam Smith
- Dana Scully
- Fox Mulder
- Michael Reynolds
Question 3/11

An exceptional alien, he is...
- E.T.
- Alf
- Yoda
- Lieutenant Worf
Question 4/11

Which TV show is actor Jonathan Harris promoting in this photo?
- "Star Trek"
- "Space: 1999"
- "Lost in Space"
- "Doctor Who"
Question 5/11

Which is a defining characteristic of the sub-genre “steampunk”?
- Subversive action taken against fascist governments
- Retro-futuristic technology inspired by the 19th century
- Dystopian futures in which the only viable food source is steamed broccoli
- Steamy sex scenes with punk-rock riot-girl-bots
Question 6/11
You gotta hand it to the Brits. According to the total number of years it has been on the air, which is the longest running television sci-fi series?
- "Battlestar Galactica"
- "Firefly"
- "Doctor Who"
- "Red Dwarf"
Question 7/11
According to "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything” is…
- To love and be loved
- To explore the vastness of all that surrounds us with an open mind
- Knockin’ boots
- 42
Question 8/11
Both versions of the film “Total Recall” are based on a classic sci-fi story written by whom? (And for the record, we prefer the Arnold version!)
- Isaac Asimov
- Philip K. Dick
- Michael Crichton
- J.K. Rowling
Question 9/11
Speaking of Philip K. Dick: the classic sci-fi neo-noir film "Blade Runner" is a film adaptation of which of his novels?
- "A Scanner Darkly"
- "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said"
- "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
- "The Man In The High Castle"
Question 10/11

Can you name this hero, famous for going toe-to-toe with some really freakin' scary aliens?
- Dana Scully
- Ellen Ripley
- Princess Leia
- Susan Jackson
Question 11/11
Which sci-fi TV series (which met an unfortunately early demise) depicted a future in which English and Mandarin were often heard together?
- "Babylon 5"
- "Starship Troopers"
- "Firefly"
- "Battlestar Galactica"
Calculating Result...