Do you spend your time wishing you lived in a galaxy far, far away? Don’t worry – you’re not alone… just remember to thank the stars you have science fiction to get you through the pain! And while you’re at it, why don’t you take this quiz to find out which Sci-Fi movie you are? Do or not do. There is no “try”.
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Question 1/8

Tired of your job? Good, 'cuz in the future you can be anything you like. Choose your Sci-Fi self:
- Scientist
- Entrepreneur
- Admiral of a space fleet
- Detective
- I'm tired of being human. Can I be a robot?
Question 2/8

You've been chosen for an intergalactic expedition. What put you on the recruiter's radar?
- I am experienced, and have the credentials to prove it
- I am a proven team-player, and know how to work with a crew
- I don't mind being alone for long periods of time
- I can fly a space-ship like nobody's business
Question 3/8

You are hurdling through space, faster than the speed of light. Where are you headed?
- To the edge of the universe, searching for answers
- To a hostile alien planet
- To save my friends from certain annihilation
- I am returning to Earth!
Question 4/8

How trusting are you of technology?
- Artificial Intelligence is the future!
- I trust my fellow man - technology scares me
Question 5/8

Space gets awfully lonely, right? How big is your crew?
- This is a solo mission, baby!
- Just some close friends
- I am but one of many space travelers on this expedition
Question 6/8

Do you believe the universe is connected through one overriding force?
- I believe everything happens for a reason
- Life is a struggle between good and evil
- Space is random and unexplainable
Question 7/8

Your enemy is in your grasp. How will you deal your final blow?
- Pass me my lightsaber, please
- That's what ray-guns are for!
- Hand-to-Hand combat is more my style
- Perhaps I have been my own enemy all along...
Question 8/8

In the future, life is very different. How do you envision your ideal utopia?
- No crime, world peace
- Life is easy because robots do all the work
- Successful colonies throughout the galaxy
- Utopia is unattainable... it's about finding a balance
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