Maybe your friends are beginning to move on past those good ol’ bachelor days to start lives with their significant others. Maybe some of them are asking what’s up with you? Why haven’t you met the right one, yet? Well, now we can tell you *exactly* how to reply. Let’s find out together, then: Why Are You Still A Bachelor?
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Question 1/8

Your bachelor pad is begging for a makeover. What do you focus on first?
- Living room
- Kitchen
- The bedroom... *wink*
Question 2/8
How do you tend to spend your time alone at home?
- I like to read...
- Video games... or TV
- Listening to music
- Working out
Question 3/8

It's the first date. You gonna dress to impress or what?
- I will dress with impeccable taste, as always...
- Meh.. I'd rather be comfortable than impressive...
Question 4/8

Good food is a social lubricant. And we can all agree that proper lubrication is a very good thing, right? So where are you gonna take her out?
- I'll Yelp up an awesome restaurant!
- Pizza... everyone loves pizza!
- I'll be cooking the meal myself, obviously...
- You know what else makes for a good lubricant? Being damn sexy... so I'll just stay focused on that...
Question 5/8

She wants to see a movie. That wasn't your plan, but you'll have to roll with it... What do you suggest, then?
- A touching documentary...
- "Jackass: The Movie"
- Is there a romantic-comedy in the house??? Please???
- Netflix and chill... baby!
Question 6/8
How would a description of your ideal girl begin?
- "She's so damn hot..."
- "She laughs when I do..."
- "She's almost as smart as me!"
- "She's my soulmate..."
Question 7/8

Which of the following is most likely to send your date straight into the toilet?
- Poor grooming
- Mindless conversation
- Booooooring... no life!
- Emotional coldness
Question 8/8
Let's say a friend of yours was gonna try to set you up with someone... how would they sell you?
- "He takes good care of himself..."
- "Cute!"
- "Really an all-around great guy!"
- "Soooo funny!"
Calculating Result...