Once upon a time, an enterprising game designer named Klaus Teuber figured out how to make trading resources fun, and Settlers of Catan was born. Veterans can see hexagons in their sleep, have nightmares about rolling sevens with eight cards in their hands, and know that the battle over resources can be as brutal as any war. Which Settlers of Catan resource are you?
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Question 1/8
Where would you most like to settle?
- Somewhere out in the country
- The hottest new neighborhood of a big city
- A quiet suburb
Question 2/8
You're playing a fun board game with a bunch of your friends. What's the most important thing?
- Coming up with a lot of fun, creative strategies
- Having an exciting competition
- Dominating the game
- Having a good time
Question 3/8
Who's your favorite group of people to play with?
- Online friends
- A few close friends in person
- Acquaintances at a party
Question 4/8

How do you acquire resources in real life?
- Full-time 9-5 job
- Always on my hustle
- I'm a specialist who can do things very few people can do
- A lot of help from friends and family
Question 5/8

You wake up alone in the wilderness - what's the first thing you look for?
- Shelter
- Food
- A weapon
Question 6/8
You're on the show "Survivor" - how do you get to the end?
- Become friends with everyone
- Rely on myself and keep winning challenges
- Stay flexible, and read the situation as it comes along
- Pick one strong friend and form an ironclad alliance
Question 7/8
What spot do you prefer to pick at the beginning of a Settlers game?
- Somewhere in the middle
- Last - need to coordinate my own location
- First! Give me that best spot.
Question 8/8

Do you think of Settlers of Catan as a game of skill or luck?
- Luck
- Skill
- It's luck, but you need skill to manage it
- It doesn't matter as long as I have fun
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