The hiss of a fastball. The buckling knees of the batter as he swings, misses, and screws himself into the ground. This. Is. Pitching. This. Is. Baseball. From Cy Young to Clayton Kershaw the pitcher stands alone. Think you’re destined for greatness? Well, then report to Spring Training and take our quiz to find out which Hall of Fame pitcher you are!
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Question 1/8

When you’re at the ballpark, what are you buying from the concession stands?
- A hot dog and a beer
- A pretzel and a beer
- Nachos and a beer
- Funnel Cake and a beer
- Are you kidding? I’d have to get a loan to go to a game!
Question 2/8
Pick some ink!
Question 3/8
Are you a lefty or a righty?
- Lefty
- Righty
- Both-y
Question 4/8

We all know that pitchers are pretty much unitaskers, but if you could play another position what would it be?
- Catcher
- The infield
- The outfield
- Designated hitter is the way to go!
Question 5/8

A batter is crowding the plate. What do you do?
- Continue pitching my game
- Pitch him outside
- Brush him back a bit
- Bean him
- Throw at his head
Question 6/8

Why should batters get all the fun walk-up music? Which of these songs would fill the stadium when you take the mound?
- “Enter Sandman” by Metallica
- “Super Bad” by James Brown
- “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash
- “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin
- “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath
Question 7/8

Which era would be the most fun to play in?
- The 40s and 50s
- The 50s and 60s
- The 70s and 80s
- Now
Question 8/8

Where is REAL baseball played?
- The American League. Bigger hitters, more offense.
- The National League. More strategy, purer game.
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