We were playing our favorite “Final Fantasy” game the other day, when we started thinking… if we were in the game, which character would we be? If you’re as curious as we are, take the quiz to find out your FF7 character!
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Question 1/8

What's your favorite thing about the "Final Fantasy" games?
- The compelling story
- The epic battles
- The addictive gameplay
- The unique environments
- The awesome music
Question 2/8
If you could only bring one summon into battle, it'd definitely be...
- Hades
- Phoenix
- Knights of the Round
- Bahamut Zero
- Odin
Question 3/8
You've got the boss weakened. Just one more hit should do it! But your teammates are knocked out. What do you do?
- Use my best physical attack
- Use a magic or summon attack
- Revive my teammates
- What on Earth are you going on about?
Question 4/8
You and your friends are taking a trip to the Gold Saucer. Where's the first place you'll go?
- Bet on the chocobo races
- Duke it out in the battle square
- Watch a play
- Get in some target practice at the speed arena
Question 5/8

You need to make a trip. You'd rather do it...
- Riding on a chocobo
- Off-roading in a buggy
- Flying in an airship
- Diving in a submarine
- Zooming on a motocycle
Question 6/8
If you're going to survive in the "Final Fantasy" world, you'll need a job. You'd rather be a...
- Black mage
- Knight
- Ninja
- Monk
- White mage
Question 7/8
Would you be willing to receive genetic modifications, if it means you'd be smarter and stronger than ever before?
- Sure, why not?
- No way, I'd rather stay au natural
- I'd have to hear more about it before I decide
Question 8/8
You've made it to the final boss and he's telling you all about his evil plans. You...
- Try to explain the error of his ways
- Call him names
- Can we just shut up and fight already?
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