Historically, “being a man” meant keeping a stiff upper lip, speaking rarely, and exhibiting a certain toughness. Fortunately, these days men are allowed a little more variety; manhood is evolving into something a little more inclusive. But the question remains: what kind of man are you?
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Question 1/10
How did you get here?
Question 2/10
How do you feel about mom?
- She needs a lot of help, but I’m happy to provide
- She’s the greatest lady on God’s green earth
- We're on the outs
- Mom who?
Question 3/10

What facial hair are you rocking?
- I keep it clean shaven
- Stubble, mostly; if there’s an event, I’ll shave
- I have the thickest, bushiest mustache on record
- My beard is so thick, bird’s nest there for safety
Question 4/10
What pet do you keep by your side?
Question 5/10
What’s your dream job?
- Anything that keeps me in the sun
- My dream job is no job
- Something high paying where I’m in control
- Something hands on; I like dirt under my fingernails
Question 6/10
Which of these ladies would you call your own?
Question 7/10
What do you eat to fuel up for the day?
- I’m an eggs and bacon man
- A kale smoothie to keep things clean
- I’ll grab an egg sandwich on the way to work
- Coffee… just coffee
Question 8/10

Which of these shows would you rather watch?
- "Friday Night Lights"
- "M.A.S.H."
- "Justified"
- "Game of Thrones"
Question 9/10
Pick an outfit:
- A suit, but no tie; I keep it casual classy
- Boots, buckle, and a cowboy hat
- Jeans and a T-shirt
- All flannel, all the time
Question 10/10

What are you saving up for?
- A few acres to call my own
- A trip around the world
- My expedition up the north face of Everest
- A Porsche Cayenne
Calculating Result...